Victor B. Wagner wrote:
But it doesn't contain engine pointer. I'm not sure that engine pointer
is strictly neccessary, but it is required at least to properly
initalize ECDSA  and ECDH structure.

hmm, there is an engine pointer is in ECDSA_DATA (or ECDH_DATA), but perhaps I've misunderstood something ...

There are EC_GROUP_new_by_nid function in ec_curve.c and it seems to be
only accessor to the list of curves.

I was thinking about {explicit parameters} -> nid (if existing) function

what does GOST specify ? Doesn't is specifiy certain cryptographic algs
to be used for signature generation ?

Algorithm is algorithm, and parameter set is quite different beast.

I did _not_ mean some specific parameters. I guess GOST doesn't specify
a signature scheme on a arbitrary abelian group but it specifies a
signature schmeme on some, for example, elliptic curve specified
(char p > 2 case, standard notation) by a prime number p, curve
parameters a and b, a point g on the elliptic curve (generator)
etc. I just wanted to know what kind of parameters are required
for the GOST sig algs ...
Perhaps I should read (thanks to Vadym for the link):

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