In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 18 Nov 2004 20:14:04 +0100, "Dr. Stephen 
Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

steve> I'll check it through more thoroughly. If you never get that
steve> new error code then I agree there wont be any incompatibility
steve> on that basis.

... unless you're hit with proxy certificates, when I'm done with that
project.  However, that's an entirely new situation, which doesn't
work at all with OpenSSL as it currently is, so I doubt anyone will
complain when that part would start to work *better* :-).

steve> That leaves two cases based on my current understanding of the
steve> patch [subject to change when I've scanned it further :-)] .
steve> One is applications that expect the lack of CA checking when
steve> they set no purpose, another is customized purpose checking
steve> where someone defines their own purpose with its own overrides.
steve> I don't *think* many applications do either but they would be
steve> broken by the change as I understand it.

I'm going as far as thinking it's a BUG not to check for the CA
settings just because there's no purpose set.  I also think it's a BUG
not to check if there are unsupported critical extensions in the
certificate.  I also think it's a BUG not to check the path length.
Furthermore, I think it's a BUG to only look at the CA settings in
conjuction with certain extensions (those corresponding to purposes)
instead of separating the two.

The check of unsupported critical extensions, the purpose (and thereby
CA) check and the path length check are all done in
check_chain_purpose() (which, not so incidently, I renamed to
check_chain_extensions, as that's what it really does), which would
only be called when there's a purpose setting.

I don't think there's a reasonable excuse to perpetuate those bugs.


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Richard Levitte                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including
 the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
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