On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 01:41:56PM +0200, Peter Sylvester wrote:

> In ssl/ssl_lib.c there is a lot of functionality of get/set implemented
> through a SSL_ctrl or SSL_CTX_ctrl, but some are implemented
> directly as functions.
> There may be some logic behind that but I am not sure which one.
> One thing seems to be that the get function which need a pointer
> are implemented directly whilst some functions that return integers
> are in a ctrl.
> There is for example the GET/SET READ_AHEAD in a ctrl returning
> an int, but all all set/get_verify_mode etc are all as independant
> functions, and, well, there is an void SSL_set_read_ahead
> which duplicates the functionality.
> It seems that there had been an effort to move accessors to
> the SSL_ctrl and SSL_CTX_ctrl, since in older versions the
> SSL_ctrl was basically empty and  just an interface to the
> method dependant code. There is also the GET_SESSION_REUSED
> which is common to the v2 and v3, thus could be moved to
> ssl_lib.c
> It may be that some stuff is left there to maintain compatibility,
> i.e., the explicit functions like SSL_set_read_ahead
> It would be nice to have a kind roadmap somewhere (which may
> already exist) to indicate whether the xxx_ctrl are 'the future'
> or not, and if yes, how to provide the 'get' functions for structures
> like (SSL_get_ctx).

I don't think there is a clear policy on this ...

An advantage of specific functions is that you can define appropriate
prototypes.  Not everything will fit into the SSL_ctrl API, and if it
does, you always have the 'long' and 'void *' arguments even if
'int' or a specific pointer may be more appropriate.

An advantage of the SSL_ctrl (and SSL_CTX_ctrl) approach is that these
are automatically method-dependent, i.e. you can put things into
ssl3_ctrl() that don't apply to SSL 2.0.

Often it may make sense to define a specific function with appropriate
prototype, but implement it through SSL_ctrl() so that its action is

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