Apache 2.x mod_ssl (http://httpd.apache.org/) in fact does not use sockets,
but creates a brigade of buffers to pass up and down the chain.  You may want
to compare your implementation ideas to that implementation.


Michael B Allen wrote:

I have an idea for a new interface. At least from looking at the SSL man
pages it looks like everything depends heavily on reading and writing
directly to/from sockets. If the herein suggested interface already
exists then I'd really like to know more about it.

Anyway, I don't have access to sockets. All socket I/O is handled in
another process. I only have access to shared memory buffers.

This is what I was thinking about:

  typedef struct {
      unsigned char *buf;
      size_t bn;
  } buf_t;
struct ssl {
      buf_t *intok;
      buf_t *outtok;

  ssl_write_encode(struct ssl *ssl, buf_t *output)
      if (buf_length(ssl->intok))
          do_read_handshake_stuff(ssl, ssl->intok);
      if (buf_length(ssl->outtok))
          do_write_handshake_stuff(ssl, ssl->outtok);

The 'buf_t' type just makes thing a little easier on the eyes. The 'struct
ssl' type is of course the context that holds all handshake state. The
'ssl_write_encode' function would be used to "write" data. So far, nothing
new - here's the different part. Ssl_write_encode just takes data from
'output' and copies it to 'ssl->outtok' but only after being called a
few times to let "tokens" go back and fourth. The idea is conceptually
just like GSSAPI.

To further illustrate how this might be used, consider the following
example [1]:

  test_ssl_write(struct ssl *ssl, int sock, buf_t output)
      FD_SET(sock, &rset_master);
      FD_CLR(sock, &wset_master);
for ( ;; ) {
          rset = rset_master;
          wset = wset_master;
select(&rset, &wset); /* If there's something to read, then read
          if (FD_ISSET(sock, &rset)) {
              buf_read(sock, ssl->intok);
ssl_write_encode(ssl, output); /* If ready to write we must want to write so write it.
          if (FD_ISSET(sock, &wset)) {
              buf_write(sock, ssl->outtok);
              FD_CLR(sock, &wset_master);
/* If there's something to write, indicate so
          if (buf_length(ssl->outtok)) {
              FD_SET(sock, &wset_master);

This is a standard select loop. Basically 'ssl_write_encode' is called
which initially will very likely not even touch 'output'. Instead it
probably will produce data in 'ssl->outtok' which will cause FD_SET to
indicate writing is desired. On the next pass 'ssl_write_encode' will be
called again and presumably do absolutely nothing since it's internal
state is waiting for an input token which it has not received. But
the data in outtok will be written, we wait on select, read data into
'ssl->intok' and keep going around until the handshake is complete and
'output' is actually copied into 'outtok' and transmitted to the remote

What do you think? How hard would it be to implement this interface? Any


[1] This example defeats the purpose of the interface since it operates on
sockets but it's the expected test for my new ssl_write_encode function.
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