> as of the latest openbsd (v4.1)
> seems it's impossible to compile openssl 0.9.7m package with asm enabled
> assembler adds underscores before the names and causes make to fail to build 
> apps
> For example DES_encrypt appears as many U DES_encrypt and one T _DES_encrypt 
> in the nm output for libcrypto.a
> I tried to add -fleading-underscore and -Wa,--no-underscore
> first one caused even more problems - some symbols were expected to have two 
> underscrores
> latter one was not recognized by the assembler (-mno-underscore failed to go 
> too)
> with no-asm everything went well
> as a timesaver for the other people, it would be fine to add checks if 
> assembler is "broken" and issue warnings about it.

Could you submit output from './config -t'? If it says "configuring for 
BSD-x86," then it must be explanation. OpenBSD has switched to ELF and 
"underscore-free" BSD-x86-elf should have been used. ./config attempts 
to detect ELF-based OpenBSD, but detection must have went wrong. Open 
./config in text editor, search to "mimic ld" and try to figure out what 
might have went wrong. A.

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