Hi dev,

I'm experimenting a little with TLS extensions... I managed to exchange
an extension between the client and the server, but I have few

First of all, must I write all the code for extension handling for each
new extension or is there any common way to handle generic extension.

I figured there was no such method, so I add all the code to handle my

I wrote a mini howto (attached here below); is there anyone who can
confirm me if it's the right way for adding my own extensions to

Are the extensions stores in the form of TLV? If yes, should I use the
functions s2n() and n2s() to write and read the values?

Many many thanks to anyone who will answer any of my questions.

-> Here starts the mini howto <-

Adding an extension to OpenSSL

        --== 0 ==-- Requirements

OpenSSL 0.9.9

        --== 1 ==-- Define the new extension

Edit the file ssl/tls1.h and define the extension type:
   #define TLSEXT_TYPE_DV_myTest 46 /* 46 is by random... 
                                       any free number should go
                                       See RFC 4366 for more 
                                       information */

Edit the file ssl/ssl.h and add new elements to ssl_st:
        size_t tlsext_DV_myTest_length; /* Length of the extension */
        unsigned char * tlsext_DV_myTest; /* Out new extension.
                                             Later on it should be 
                                             allocated of size
                                             tlsext_DV_myTest_length */

        --== 2 ==-- Prepare che extension
Edit the file ssl/t1_lib.c and modify the function
        int ssl_prepare_clienthello_tlsext
this function prepares the client hello. This should happend on the

        if (s->version == TLS1_VERSION) { /* We just test if we're
                                             using TLS... otherwise
                                             there should be no
                                             It is possible that this
                                             test is done somewhere
                                             else into OpenSSL,
                                             but I don't know. */
                fprintf (stderr, "Preparing the extension to add to \
                                the client hello\n");
                /* We allocate of the memory for the extension */
                if ((s->tlsext_DV_myTest = OPENSSL_malloc(2)) == NULL) {
                        return -1;
                /* We set the size of the extension */
                s->tlsext_DV_myTest_length = 2; 
                /* We put some test data into the extension */
                s->tlsext_DV_myTest[0] = 0; 
                s->tlsext_DV_myTest[1] = 1;
In the same file modify the function
        unsigned char *ssl_add_clienthello_tlsext
this function add the extensions to the client hello. This should happen
on the client.

        /* Add this to the end of the function... see below */
        if (s->tlsext_DV_test_ext != NULL) {
                /* Add our TLS extension to the ClientHello message */
                long lenmax; /* Max length of our extension */
                /* Check for enough space...
                   lenmax must be > limit - ret - 4
                        1: type
                        1: lenght
                        2: extension
                   Not still sure if 4 must be hard coded or not...

                if ((lenmax = limit - ret - 4) < 0)
                        return NULL;
                        /* Not enough space for the extension */
        /* We add the type of the extension to the client hello */
                s2n(TLSEXT_TYPE_DV_myTest, ret);
        /* We add the length of the extension to the client hello */
        /* We copy the value of the extension in place */
                memcpy(ret, s->tlsext_DV_myTest,
        /* We move forward ret so next extensions have space */

        /* From now on is OpenSSL code. Do not modify */
        if ((extdatalen = ret-p-2)== 0) {
                printf ("DV: (extdatalen = ret-p-2)== 0\n");

                return p;
        return ret;

        --== 3 ==-- Handle the extension on the server

Edit the file ssl/t1_lib.c and modify the function
        int ssl_parse_clienthello_tlsext
this function parses the extensions present in the clienthello and
handle each
extension with the proper code. This should happend on the server.

        else if (type == TLSEXT_TYPE_DV_myTest) {
                /* Handling here the extension */
                /* The following code is just a stub.
                   it should be replaced with proper code */
                /* Got the extension */
                fprintf(stderr, "Hi, I'm the server and \
                        I just received the test extension.\n");
                fprintf(stderr,"Its type is %d and its size \
                        is %d\n", type, size);
                /* type and size are provided by OpenSSL,
                so we don't have to handle them */
                /* handle the extension here */
        --== Test ==--
In ssl/ run make
Go in test/ and run
        ./ssltest -tls1

we should see something like:
        Received extension type 11 size 4
        Received extension type 10 size 52
        Received extension type 35 size 0
        Received extension type 46 size 2
        Hi, I'm the server and I just received the test extension.
        Its type is 46 and its size is 4

-> Here ends the mini howto <-

Hope it may help someone and hope anyone may help me.



Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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