>>>>> On Wed, 12 Dec 2007 21:22:50 +0100, Jurko Gospodnetiæ said:
>    Hi.
>    Could someone more knowledgeable with OpenSSL please explain to me 
> exactly how the OpenSSL error information queue (accessed using 
> ERR_get_error(), SSL_get_error() and related APIs) is supposed to be used.
>    Is every failing OpenSSL API expected to push something into this queue?
>    Can a failing OpenSSL API be expected to push more than 1 element 
> into this queue?
>    Is every OpenSSL API caller expected to check and clear the OpenSSL 
> error information queue afterwards?
>    Can ERR_get_error() return 0 even if the OpenSSL error information 
> queue is not empty?

I don't know the answers to these, but...

>    I started wandering about whether we interpreted this OpenSSL error 
> information queue management correctly after in one of our applications 
> OpenSSL SSL_read() API returned -1 but did not push corresponding error 
> information into the OpenSSL error information queue (ERR_get_error() 
> returned 0). This happened as an isolated incident on a multiple-user 
> server being tested under heavy load (many clients opening and closing 
> SSL connections, sending and receiving data at the same time).

Yes, sometimes there is nothing on the error queue after SSL_get_error() has

Also, if your app is multithreaded then don't forget to implement all of the
crypto locking/threadid functions, otherwise there will be confusion about
error codes between the threads.

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