
I am happy to inform you that I have successfully build latest 1.0.1 STABLE 
snapshot on IA64, Alpha and VAX platform both with 64 and 32 pointer size.
All tests pass well except:

signed content test streaming BER format, DSA key: OK
Fatal VMS error (status=1409588) at PERLKIT:[SOURCE]VMS.C;1, line 4747 at 
cms-test.pl line 393.
%LIB-F-INVARG, invalid argument(s)
OpenSSL 1.0.1-dev xx XXX xxxx
built on: 11-JAN-2011 10:35:12.60
platform: VMS VAX V7.2
options:  bn(32,32) md2(int) rc4(ptr,char) des(ptr,cisc,2,long) idea(int) 
compiler: /POINTER_SIZE=

...because my VAX does not have perl installed at all.

Also building on VAX required extra parameters in order to come over the TCPIP 
linking problem:

Building OpenSSL [.VAX.EXE.APPS] Applications.
No Debugger Information Will Be Produced During Compile.
Compiling With Compiler Optimization.
Using VAXC 'C' Compiler.
TCP/IP library spec:
Main Compiling Command: 
Compiling On A VAX Machine.
Compiling The OPENSSL.C File.
Compiling The TS.C File.
OPENSSL needs a TCP/IP library.  Can't link.  Skipping...

The winning command line looks like below (if you have HP's TCPIP product)

@makevms ALL "" nodebug DECC TCPIP or
@makevms ALL "" nodebug VAXC TCPIP

Please note, that the 5th parameter is not straight forward:

TITAN2_ZAY $ @makevms
USAGE:   @MAKEVMS.COM [Target] [Pointer size] [Debug option] <Compiler>

...even thou it is correctly handled in the build script:

TITAN2_ZAY $ @makevms ALL "" NODEBUG "" whatever
Using DECC 'C' Compiler.

The Option WHATEVER Is Invalid.  The Valid Options Are:

    SOCKETSHR  :  To link with SOCKETSHR TCP/IP library.
    UCX        :  To link with UCX TCP/IP library.
    TCPIP      :  To link with TCPIP TCP/IP (post UCX) library.
    NONE       :  To not link with a specific TCP/IP library.

I would suggest adding the 5th parameter as well to the help/usage line like 
for example:

USAGE:   @MAKEVMS.COM [Target] [Pointer size] [Debug option] <Compiler> <TCP/IP 

Thank you Richard, for hard work and well done code merge that lead us to enjoy 
OpenSSL provided cutting edge functionality on OpenVMS platform and making the 
VMS user's community independent of HP OPENSSL product (that is usually years 
behind the official OpenSSL releases both in features and security fixes)


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