On 18.02.2012 22:47, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:

>> Any link to the studies? - I was not able to find anything relevant.
>> Is this related to the 2008 Debian OpenSSL snafu?
> Not the debian thing.
> http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2012/02/crypto-shocker-four-of-every-10
> 00-public-keys-provide-no-security.ars

Thank you and Kurt for the links, it is quite an interesting

link suggests that the majority come from embedded devices.
This is much too often just "generate a key on the first boot" -
enough said.

On 18.02.2012 17:02, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:

> When I make a backup copy of ~/.rnd, and generate some keys,
> and then restore ~/.rnd and re-generate the keys...  My keys
> come out different. Which suggests either (a) It's not
> actually using my ~/.rnd file as the random seed, or
> (b) It's using ~/.rnd in conjunction with something else
> such as urandom.

I interpret http://www.openssl.org/support/faq.cgi#USER1
such that the /dev/urandom is always used if present and
the RNG used is additionally seeded by RANDFILE. So your
keys are different, but if the available entropy in
/dev/urandom was insufficient, they will be not as random
as you'd wish.

This thread has some information
and seems to back it:

   This internal PRNG is seeded from different sources. These
   external sources can be provided explicitly (as with the
   "-rand" option of genrsa) or via RAND_add() within
   an application. As on several occasions people were given
   bad advice to abuse "-rand" or RAND_add() with bad entropy
   sources we have decided to always add additional bytes
   from /dev/urandom if available on the system.

> so I can be assured (and assure my boss and shareholders) that
> I have truly random generated keys when I generate them using
> openssl.

Use a hardware based on true random physical process.
This one is quite low-cost: http://www.entropykey.co.uk/
(no experience, I just googled for what is available).

If not practical, seed your RANDFILE with /dev/random
data before generating keys.

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