I originally thought my problem was with ssh, so that is what I was 
looking it,  after I finally found that the problem was with the ssl, I 
sent the email to you.  After that I did some more testing and found 
that by using the no-asm flag during the config everything worked normally.

I guess my point is that the ssl version 1.0.0h didn't exhibit the 
problem, a change in between the 1.0.0h and 1.0.1b did,  So at this 
point I was just wanting to make you aware of the problem because I 
haven't had any problems with building openssl in quite some time.

thanks for your reply.

Dean Carter

On 05/11/2012 06:23 AM, Andy Polyakov via RT wrote:
>> I built both a aix 5.2 / 32 bit version of openssl 1.0.1b and a aix 6.1
>> / 64 bit version.   I also did a build of the latest openssh.  When
>> testing the 32 bit openssh I had some problems that seem to come from
>> running ssh-keygen.
>> The aix 6.1 / 64 bit version runs fine with out problems
>> sox:/opt/freeware/src/packages/SOURCES/openssl-1.0.1b>  ssh -V
>> OpenSSH_6.0p1, OpenSSL 1.0.1b 26 Apr 2012
>> I run make test and the 64 bit version completes with ALL  TESTS SUCCESSFUL,
>> but the 32 bit version gets to this section of the test:
>> Generate and certify a test certificate
>> make a certificate request using 'req'
>> rsa
>> Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
>> .................................................................................................
>> from here it seems to go into an endless loop.
> Quoting SUPPORT section in README:
> "If you have any problems with OpenSSL then please take the following
> steps first:
>      - Download the current snapshot from ftp://ftp.openssl.org/snapshot/
>        to see if the problem has already been addressed
>      - Remove ASM versions of libraries
>      - Remove compiler optimisation flags
> "
> It's probably appropriate to perform steps in reverse, i.e. start with
> removing optimization flags. Well, depending on defaults it might be
> appropriate to modify optimization flag to reduce optimization level,
> rather than to just remove, i.e. -O1, then -O0. If dropping optimization
> level helps, then it's something to discuss with IBM, not OpenSSL...

<<inline: DCarter.vcf>>

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