On 08/27/2012 04:17 PM, Michel wrote:

Shouldn't there be  a SRP_VBASE_free() call somewhere in s_server.c ?
Yes, there is a small leak in s_server.c.
At least for freeing the data allocated by the SRP_VBASE_new() call :
An implementation remark

The VBASE stuff is a quick and dirty callback example used at
initialization of an ssl_ctx. It is not well for long term servers.

Since the ssl library allow the callback to suspend the current state machine,
i.e. a callback can start some ldap read or whatever method that requires
async handling, and tell the state machine to return from the SSL_accept
call with a specific code. As soon as the data are there, the callback can
be recalled.

openssl 1.0.1c, apps/s_server.c line 1849 :

    if (srp_verifier_file != NULL)
        srp_callback_parm.vb = SRP_VBASE_new(srpuserseed);

Somewhere between lines 1883 - 1903 ?
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