On Nov 1, 2012, at 2:14 PM, Bojan Pisler wrote:

> Hello,
> I’m doing interop testing with our DTLS server and OpenSSL. I’m using OpenSSL 
> version “OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012” with the following command line.
> openssl s_client -msg -debug -connect -dtls1 -cert client.pem 
> -certform PEM -key client.key -keyform PEM -CAfile root.crt –state
> Our server and OpenSSL handshake successfully when I run our server without 
> client authentication turned on. In this test there are no fragmented 
> handshake messages. The Finished signatures are calculated in the same way in 
> both ends since the handshake is successful.
> But when I turn on client authentication the handshake fails. Both the 
> CertificateVerify and Finished signatures are different which makes the 
> handshake fail. I suspect that the reason for this is that OpenSSL sends its 
> certificate to the server split into 3 fragments. The server reassembles the 
> Certificate handshake message successfully. But it seems like the signatures 
> are calculated differently.
> I have read this mailing list and tried several suggestions for handling 
> fragmentation but with no success. Also both RFC 4347 and 6347 are unclear on 
> how the signatures should be computed with regard to handshake fragmentation. 
> So I would like to ask for a description of how this is done in OpenSSL so I 
> can adapt our implementation and make it interoperable with OpenSSL?
If you think RFC 6347 is unclear how the computation should be done, please 
send a message to t...@ietf.org
to discuss this. I think just doing something because OpenSSL does it, is not 
the right way.
If the issue can be resolved on t...@ietf.org, the implementations can be fixed 
if needed.

Best regards
> Best regards,
> /Bojan

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