
As you will already have noted, the OpenSSL project is currently moving
its infrastructure to a new server. This migration is combined with a
change and/or upgrade of the tools (CVS -> GIT, RT 3.x -> 4.x, ...) so
we have decided to set up the new server first and to perform a step by
step migration. Most of the porting work is now done and I will now
start to redirect the DNS entries (one at a time) such that the new
services will be enabled.

Current status is:
* CVS has been retired and is now replaced by git. The last CVS commit
was in December.
  The git repository is available for cloning via
    git clone git://git.openssl.org/openssl.git
  and for browsing via
    http://git.openssl.org/ or https://git.openssl.org/
  All commits to the source code in 2013 have already been made using
git and the commit
  mails in the respective new format have been sent via the already
existing openssl-cvs mailing list.
  For obvious reasons we encourage contributors to provide patch and
extension proposals using
  git format...
* RT has been upgrade from an outdated version of the 3.x series to 4.0
and is now (again) available via
     http://rt.openssl.org/ and https://rt.openssl.org/
  with the guest account being "guest" with password "guest" like before.

The other services (web, ftp, mail) are still provided by the old server
but will also be migrated soon. I will not update the old web pages to
reflect the new setup as I do not intend to keep this state for long.

Best regards on behalf of the OpenSSL team,

OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List                       openssl-dev@openssl.org
Automated List Manager                           majord...@openssl.org

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