> From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of saurav barik
> Sent: Friday, 22 February, 2013 00:41

I think this fits better on -users and put that first, but if you 
ask both lists please indicate in the message (as I did) because 
people don't necessarily read both and see the duplication.

> I am trying to implement TLS security (in the client side) over a UDP
> connection. I have a parallel TCP connection(to the same server) over
> which TLS is already done and it works fine. In the same session of my
> application I am creating a UDP connection to the same server (UDP
> socket) and am trying to do a TLS handshake. When I call SSL_connect()
> over UDP connection, it fails with "SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL" error. When I
> checked the error with ERR_get_error() I get a value of 0. Can I use

If SSL_connect/etc returns -1 and SSL_get_error returns _SYSCALL, then 
the error information is in the OS (errno on Unix or WSAGetLastError() 
on Windows) instead of, or sometimes (rarely?) in addition to, 
ERR_get_error and friends. See man -3ssl SSL_get_error.

> TLS over a UDP connection(I understand DTLS can be used but my project
> needs TLS)?
There is no such thing as a UDP connection; UDP is connectionless.

I haven't examined socket-BIO's support for UDP (DGRAM) to see if 
non-DTLS protocols could successfully call it. Even if it does, 
or you substitute a BIO that does, TLS can't work for long over 
UDP semantics, which can lose reorder and duplicate packets. 

TLS depends on TCP's reliable in-order transport. DTLS basically 
re-implements enough of TCP to make TLS functionality work. If 
you don't do either of those, and you develop on two machines on 
a single quiet LAN segment as common in development environments 
it may appear to work at least sometimes; if you then deploy to 
users on the real internet or even just a large organization 
intranet, the chances of it working plummet. 

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