On 15 August 2013 09:21, Tomas Mraz <tm...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hello OpenSSL developers,
> in a review of the AES GCM code it was found that there might be some
> requirements that are placed by SP800-38D document missing.
> Especially there is no checking that the key is not used with more than
> 2^32 different IV values. Did I overlook it and the test is there? Or is
> the test not needed because in real life situation this cannot happen? I
> suppose it might happen if the key is not renegotiated during lengthy
> connections with transfer of data in TB range?

How would you propose that the code tests this property?

> --
> Tomas Mraz
> No matter how far down the wrong road you've gone, turn back.
>                                               Turkish proverb
> (You'll never know whether the road is wrong though.)
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