I don't think that it is true that "(signed char)(*p) >= 0" is always true,
otherwise all of the "else if" branches would never be taken. I think the
optimization that PMHager was thinking about (based on what I see in the
x86_64 assembly from gcc) is that the compiler could (but apparently not
every compiler does this) use the instruction for checking the sign, like
   9:    84 c9                    test   %cl,%cl
   b:    78 1b                    js     28 <UTF8_getc+0x28>
This is most likely faster than having to do a logical and instruction

To get back to Michel's question, I think he has a point, but where can we
find regression tests for a_utf8.c to be sure? I added an error on purpose,
but didn't see any errors when I ran "make test".

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