Please, see my pull request on GitHub:
Description from the pull request:

This commit has security implications for simple clients that use
openssl s_client. To demostrate the issue described in the commit
message do:

openssl s_client -connect -verify_return_error -quiet
-verify 100 -CAfile my_ca.pem

Where my_ca.pem is any certificate file other than the one that
actually signed github's cert. This should fail, but it currently

This pull request fixes that. Together with the annoyance that if you
don't specify a CAfile in the above command it fails, though it should
have succeeded. :)

Discovered and debugged together with @errge.

The intention was obviously to use the user-specified CAfile and
CApath and if that fails (eg. user didn't specify anything) to use the
defaults. Having || instead of && has two implications:

1. If the user doesn't specify anything, we don't use the defaults, so
verification will always fail. This is mostly a nuisance.

2. If the user does specify something for CAfile or CApath, we will
load the defaults too. Which have security implications: A simple
client implementation with openssl s_client that wants to check that
it's talking to the right server by specifying a private CAfile fails
to achieve the promised security (as the server's certificate will
also be checked against the default CA list).

Mihaly Barasz

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