On 11/14/2014 07:47 AM, Quentin Gouchet wrote:
> The user can call RSA key generation and specify the public
> exponent exp in a hexadecimal format.
> Example: openssl genrsa -choose 72bdf -out key.pem 4096
> Signed-off-by: Quentin <quentin.gouc...@gmail.com> <quentin.gouc...@gmail.com>

This is an interesting proposal, but i don't think it's a good idea.

> +                     /* Not checking whether exp >= 2**16+1 since there is
> +                      * no proof that small
> +                      *  public exponent is a threat.
> +                      *  Choosing e = 1 or e = 3 is thus possible
> +                      */

This strikes me as dangerously misguided.

See section 4 of "Twenty years of attacks on the RSA cryptosystem" by
Dan Boneh for a description of several attacks on low public exponents:

And afaict, e = 1 is a complete disaster.

There are also more mundane problems with this patch (note that
resolving these easy problems doesn't fix the serious concerns described

 * if it's going to be done, the argument should be better than -choose
-- something like -exponent would be clearer.

 * there is no patch to the genrsa manpage included

 * the value is interpreted as hexadecimal, even though other values
passed by the user to genrsa (like the number of bits) is interpreted as


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