"Salz, Rich via RT" <r...@openssl.org> wrote:
 |> So you want a separate "openssl-conf" package.  Fine, then provide it and
 |> give an easy mechanism for applications to hook into it.
 |> And for users to be able to overwrite system defaults.
 |> But this has not that much to do with #3627.
 |Yes it does.  :)  A newer simpler API that does what you want \
 |seems exactly the way forward.  Go for it.

You sound pretty good and done here..  Gratulations.  [Laughter]

Regarding the interface: back in 2011 i have started (only) writing
a Python (grr) script, which had a really simple way of doing
_any_ socket connection via

  class SaSo: # {{{ Sa[fe]So[cket] SSL and socket creation encapsulator

The basic concept was that all you can do is

  def create_connection(serv, cafile=None, all_fingerprints=False):

where serv is a class Service,

  class Service(Config.Section):

that directly maps to a configuration type (shortened by doc)

    uid = UID
    url = NAME
    proto = proto
    port = NUMBER
    upgrade-secure = BOOLEAN
    fetch-folders = mailbox, another-mailbox, ...
    options = protocol-dependend (comma separated list of options)

So wether TLS or not you simply

    (err, conn) = SaSo.create_connection(serv)
    if err:
        return (intro +  'connect failure: ' + err, ESTAT_CONNECTION)
    print('@ ', intro, conn.pretty_addr, sep='', file=STDOUT)

_maximally_ extended by (for non-initially secured transport)

    # Shall we try to upgrade to TLS (RFC 2595)?
    if self.service.upgrade_secure:
        resp = self._single('STLS')
        if not resp:
            self.error_append('\nServer does not seem to support secure ' +
                'transport.\nYou need to disable the *upgrade-secure* ' +
                'configuration setting.')
        resp = SaSo.wrap_connection(self.conn)
        if resp is not None:
            self.error = 'failed to perform *upgrade-secure*: ' + resp

Cool, eh?  S-postman.py was that thing.
_That_ is in essence what i mean -- just think about the current
Python urllib is it CVE-2014-9365: not even programmers that know
do it the right way, how can you expect administrators and normal
users to do so, even _if_ the software allows the necessary
configuration.  Nono.

 |I've said that adding new magic keywords is not something \
 |we're going to do, and I've tried to explain the reasoning. \
 | I am sorry that you don't like it.

Despite that i continue to disagree _completely_.
The other way around would be the right way to go for
configuration, and if that doesn't work then the _library_ had to
be adjusted.  E.g. by splitting off a small config update package
that updates cipher lists and whatever (i am really not an expert.
Nor do i plan to become one) without the need to recompile
OpenSSL.  Cool.  But you are not there yet, are you?  :-)
So please please, give us "MIN" and "MAX".

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