Hello all,

This patch is a contribution to OpenSSL.

It concerns the Multi Block (MB) CBC SHA1/SHA256 implementations
(the function "tls1_1_multi_block_encrypt" in "e_aes_cbc_hmac_sha1.c"
and "e_aes_cbc_hmac_sha256.c").

The patch addresses a slow derivation of the multiple random IV's for the CBC 
(~12,000 Cycles on architecture Codename Haswell (HSW),
11,500 Cycles on architecture Codename Broadwell (BDW) ).
This multiple IV's derivation impacts the performance gains from the 
parallelized encryption (and hashing).

The new code extracts (only) 16 bytes with a Rand-bytes invocation, which are 
used as an auxiliary key,
and then generates the required number of pseudorandom IV's by applying the 
decryption primitive.

The effect is speedup on multi-block aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha*, and it is more 
pronounced for the shorter buffers
(8192 bytes is the shortest length reported by openssl speed utility).

Results: speedup (patch over current) for 8192 bytes size block

                CBC-SHA1            CBC-SHA256
HSW:      1.59x                    1.36x
BDW:      1.53x                    1.33x

Developers and authors:
Shay Gueron (1, 2), Regev Shemy (2), Tal Uliel (2)
(1) University of Haifa, Israel
(2) Intel Corporation, Israel Development Center, Haifa, Israel

Intel Israel (74) Limited

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