Am 17.02.2016 um 19:51 schrieb Salz, Rich:
>>        *header = c;
>> +    header++;
> Header isn't used after that assignment.  How does this line change anything?

The call to load_iv() that occurs next, has as its first argument 
header_pp which is a pointer to header:

char **header_pp = &header;

Inside load_iv() this pointer is named fromp and is immediately being 

from = *fromp;

so "from" is an alias to "header", it contains the same address as 
"header". When being dereferenced, "from" will return the same char, 
that "header" points to.

Now in load_iv() "from" is used to iterate over the IV hex chars:

     for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
         if ((*from >= '0') && (*from <= '9'))
             v = *from - '0';
         else if ((*from >= 'A') && (*from <= 'F'))
             v = *from - 'A' + 10;
         else if ((*from >= 'a') && (*from <= 'f'))
             v = *from - 'a' + 10;
         else {
             PEMerr(PEM_F_LOAD_IV, PEM_R_BAD_IV_CHARS);
             return (0);
         to[i / 2] |= v << (long)((!(i & 1)) * 4);

Since *from == *header == ',' at the beginning of the loop, this bombs. 
"header" needs to be incremented to actually point to the beginning of 
the IV.

I hope this is understandable. It took me a moment as well to 
understand, how "from" in load_iv() relates to "header" in 

I checked the patch with the reproduction case before posting and also 
added some debug logging to the "from" loop to double check.



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