> OS X side steps the problems with selecting the wrong runtime library
> and RPATHs by using something called an install name. Effectively, the
> install name should be placed in libcrypto.dylib and libssl.dylib, and
> it calls out the fully qualified path name. Programs linked to a
> library with an install name will record the library, and dyld(1) will
> link to the proper library at runtime. There's no need for tricks like
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux (its called DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on OS X).

Well, formally speaking the feature was always there, all you needed to
do is to pass -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names at config time ;-) One
can argue that it would be appropriate to run `which install_name_tool`
in ./config and add the option automatically. Would it be acceptable? I
mean would presence of install_name_tool be reliable indicator that
linker supports -headerpad_max_install_names?

> To make room for an install name that may change (for example, from
> PWD to /usr/local/ssl/lib, you need to use the flag
> -headerpad_max_install_names on libcrypto.dylib and libssl.dylib.
> To add the icing to the cake, 'make install' should add the following
> to its recipe for OS X:
>   cp libcrypto.dylib $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/lib/libcrypto.dylib
>   install_name_tool -id $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/lib/libcrypto.dylib
> $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/lib/libcrypto.dylib

Does it really copy libcrypto.dylib and not libcrypto.1.1.dylib? For me
it copies the latter... Anyway, the suggested additional step should not
be required, because we do pass -install_name when linking .dylib.
install_name_tool step would be required if you install it at
alternative location, but it doesn't belong in our Makefile. I mean
because our Makefile would install in same location as -install_name anyway.

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