To whom it may concern,

I have built OpenSSL 1.0.1s for 64-bit and 32-bit version of RHEL5.11.  The 
reasons for this are long and involve my employer, so I would detail them in 
this message.

I successfully built and deployed to a 64-bit RHEL 5.11 server (using a local 
installation path) and was able to configure the issuer certificate cache for 
my applications.  I built a separate package for 32-bit RHEL 5.11 (again, using 
a local installation path).  After installation, I observed that the -hash 
option of the openssl command (and hence the c_rehash utility) computed 
incorrect subject hashes for the issuer certificates in the cache.  Identical 
certificates from the 64-bit installation were installed but the hash values 
were different.  Tracing the operation of the s_client module with strace 
indicated that the hash values computed internally matched the hash values 
produced on the 64-bit system.  I replicated the symbolic links for the issuer 
certificates from the 64-bit system to the 32-bit system and the certificates 
presented by the remote server for my application were verified.


John Withers
Enterprise Operations
Directory Services Branch - OS:CTO:EO:ISD:DSB:PKI
Champaign, Illinois

Phone: (217) 974-7736

"A positive attitude may not solve all of your problems, but it will annoy 
enough people to make it worth the effort"

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