On 26/05/16 22:48, TJ Saunders wrote:
>>> I'm currently working on updating proftpd and its various modules to
>>> work with the changed APIs in OpenSSL-1.1.x.  My current obstacle(?) is
>>> to determine the SSL protocol version, given an SSL_SESSION pointer.
>>> Using OpenSSL-1.0.x, I currently use:
>>>   ssl_version = sess->ssl_version;
>>> However, I don't see an equivalent accessor in the 1.1.x APIs.  Have I
>>> missed something, or does such a thing not exist yet?
>> I don't think such a thing exists at the moment. Out of interest why do
>> you need it?
> One of the modules maintains the server-side SSL session cache,
> comprised of SSL_SESSION objects.  For debugging purposes, there's a
> tool to dump out the sessions in the cache.  I had initially used
> SSL_SESSION_print() for this dump utility, but that prints out more of
> the session data (e.g. the master key) than I'd wanted.  Thus I ended up
> writing my own code for printing out the fields of the SSL_SESSION which
> I thought would be of interest -- including the protocol version of the

That sounds fairly reasonable. I suggest raising a github pull request
to add the accessor (or just an issue if you prefer).


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