So let me see if I understand this correctly... $hash(sub_ca).r1 and
$hash(sub_ca).r0, being of the same sub_ca, will of course have the same issuer
name. Right?

Unless I misread the source, OpenSSL will actually load both files. However,
since both CRLs have the same issuer, and cached CRLs are looked up by issuer
name, only one of them will be used (whichever the code happens to find first).

If one of those CRLs was a delta CRL, things might work differently (I'm
frankly not sure, I haven't experimented with that, and haven't spent enough
time studying that part of the code)... I assume that this isn't the case.

Is there a reason in particular you want to have two active CRLs for the
sub-CA? Does simply replacing the old with the new now work for you somehow?


On Thu Jul 14 11:25:22 2016, wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a query related to how these APIs X509_STORE_add_lookup()
> and X509_LOOKUP_add_dir() work. Let me give you a brief explanation of what
> I am doing:
> Purpose was to add lookup for CRLs.
> First when my server starts and my SSL initializes I have successfully
> created a store to which lookup has been added for CRL directory.
> - pLookup = X509_STORE_add_lookup(store, X509_LOOKUP_hash_dir());
> - X509_LOOKUP_add_dir(pLookup, mCRLPath.c_str(), X509_FILETYPE_PEM)
> Example CRL Directory: /var/cert/CRL/
> Scenario:
> 1) When the system start no CRL files are present in the CRL Directory
> 2) Client_1 initiates a connection to my server (using openssl s_client)
> 3) Openssl does the lookup of CRLs for the corresponding (Sub) CAs and does
> not find anything thus, giving error in the verify_callback
> (UNABLE_TO_GET_CRL). In the application code I have handled these
> errors gracefully Callback is again called for further validation and the
> connection is accepted.
> *Result: Satisfied*
> 1) Now, I place two CRLs (Sub CA,Root CA) in the CRL directory (server was
> still up and I did not stopped it)
> I have created a crl -hash (issuer hash) and linked them to CRL pem
> certificates.
> *$hash(rootca).r0 -> root_ca.pem*
> *$hash(subca).r0 -> sub_ca.pem*
> 2) Client_1 again initiates a connection to my server (using openssl
> s_client) (client certificate chain is : ID/Sub CA/Root CA)
> 3) Openssl does a lookup of CRLs and does not throw any error. Validation
> happened with verify_callback getting invoked 3 times with preverify_ok =
> 1. Client connection is accepted
> *Result: Satisfied*
> 1) Now, I removed the above CRL files (Sub CA/Root CA) from the CRL
> directory. Based on the manual page these CRLs should be now in the cached
> memory of X509_OBJECT.
> 2) I repeated steps (2) and (3). Connection gets accepted from the client.
> Everything still works fine because openssl maintined CRL files in its
> cache and found them during the lookup.
> *Result: Satisfied*
> Now from here the problem starts:
> =========================
> 1) My Sub_CA revoked Client_1 certificate (since Sub_CA was the issuing CA
> in the first place)
> 2) I recreated Sub_CA CRL and placed it in the CRL Directory.
> 3) Created the hash and linked it as follows:
> *$hash(sub_ca).r1* -> sub_ca.pem (hoping that openssl still has
> $hash(sub_ca).r0 in its cache, since above we have seen that the lookup
> worked even when I removed the CRL files from the CRL Directory)
> 4) Client_1 initiates a connection to my server and gets accepted
> successfully ==== Should Not Have Happened
> Based on the manual page for *X509_LOOKUP_hash_dir
> -
> <>*
> > When checking for new CRLs once one CRL for given hash value is loaded,
> > hash_dir lookup method checks only for certificates with sequence number
> > greater than that of the already cached CRL.
> Since, the sequence number has changed from r0 to r1 for same issuer
> (sub_ca in my case) openssl should have done a lookup and based on the
> latest sequence number should have given me an error stating Client
> Certificate has been revoked.
> Just to let you know, I have tested revoked certificates with the CRL and
> it works fine. So no problem with that.
> Openssl Version I am using is *OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013*
> Eagerly awaiting your response. Need to implement CRL functionality ASAP
> and hoping to get all the help from you guys.
> Regards,
> Anirudh

Richard Levitte

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