Hi OpenSSL,
First, Thank you for your contribution in OpenSSL.

I found the bug last week, that is:
step-1, Create a socket of non-blocking mode, and then establish the 
connection-oriented; (all works successfully done)
step-2, Call SSL_connect(or SSL_do_handshake) for establish a security session 
on that original-connection; (all works successfully done)
step-3, After some works of data transfer, I want to shutdown the 
SSL-CONNECTION and close the original-socket, So I do the procedure as 
step-3.1, Call SSL_shutdown firstly, and it returns zero. According to comments 
of SSL_shutdown in manual as:
       (0: The shutdown is not yet finished. Call SSL_shutdown() for a second 
time, if a bidirectional shutdown shall be performed. The output of 
SSL_get_error may be misleading, as an erroneous SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL may be 
flagged even though no error occurred.)
     So, I call SSL_shutdown again, and it returns -1, and SSL_get_error 
step-3.2, For a while, go back the step-1, at that time, I found SSL_connect / 
SSL_do_handshake will be always failed( the original-socket is still good );
               But, if sleep/pause around 400ms between the operator 
'connect'(original socket API) and the operator 'SSL_connect', then all works 
successfully finished.

Hope you will check it.
Maybe it occurred due to my incorrect processing.

Best regards
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