On 07/28/2017 01:22 AM, Matthew Stickney wrote:
> With a make distclean, ./config, make depend (didn't appear to do
> anything), and a make, I'm getting the essentially the same thing:
> Error: _num does not have a number assigned
> /usr/bin/perl ./util/mkrc.pl libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll | windres 
> --target=pe-x86-64
> -o rc.o
> -DMD
> _ASM -DPOLY1305_ASM -DOPENSSLDIR="/usr/local/ssl" 
> -DENGINESDIR="/usr/local/lib/e
> -O3
>  -D_MT -D_WINDLL -static-libgcc -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic 
> -Wl,--out-implib,libcrypt
> o.dll.a crypto.def rc.o -o libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll -Wl,--whole-archive 
> libcrypto.a
>  -Wl,--no-whole-archive -lws2_32 -lgdi32 -lcrypt32
> Cannot export MD2: symbol not defined
> Cannot export MD2_Final: symbol not defined
> Cannot export MD2_Init: symbol not defined
> Cannot export MD2_Update: symbol not defined
> Cannot export MD2_options: symbol not defined
> Cannot export RC5_32_cbc_encrypt: symbol not defined
> Cannot export RC5_32_cfb64_encrypt: symbol not defined
> Cannot export RC5_32_decrypt: symbol not defined
> Cannot export RC5_32_ecb_encrypt: symbol not defined
> Cannot export RC5_32_encrypt: symbol not defined
> Cannot export RC5_32_ofb64_encrypt: symbol not defined
> Cannot export RC5_32_set_key: symbol not defined
> collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

MD2 and RC5 are disabled by default, so it is expected that they will
not be defined.  It is hard to say whether those messages are the source
of the error exit status or just warnings, though.

It's certainly plausible that there are further mkdef.pl issues
responsible, though. Since mkdef.pl generates the crypto.def file
referenced on your link line, maybe you could post that somewhere and
link to it?  (mkdef.pl can also be used to generate .map files, but it
seems like the .def file is the relevant one at the moment.)

But I may have to defer to Richard for the workings of mkdef.pl itself...

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