> 1. What’s the default if “with-rand-seed” was not provided? All of the listed 
> supported types? None of them? Some of them…?

As the first bullet says, it’s “os”.   As for the second part of your question, 
it is deliberately not answered.   If you care, you’ll have to read the source. 
 (It’s clean and easy to do so, now.)  We’re not documenting everything.

>2. What is the order in which the seed sources are tried (both when 
>“with-random-seed” was and was not given)? 

Read the source.

> 3. What should I do if I want a given source to be used in addition to the 
> other sources, regardless of whether openssl thinks it got “enough bits” of 
> randomness or not?

Modify the source :)

For a few reasons, we’re deliberately not documenting all the details.  
Interested parties will have to read the source.

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