The crux of the issue is that this would change SSL_CTX to apply system 
defaults when the object is created. In conjunction with the system config file 
include stuff, this makes it easy to change the behavior of all applications 
running on a system.

This comes from RedHat.

Viktor is concerned about changing the semantics of an existing call and argues 
that there are applications that are smart enough to configure securely.  (Unh, 
postfix and … what others? :)  He prefers an explicit opt-in. Others have 
pointed out the hundreds of programs that would have to be changed make this 

I think we have a real opportunity to (a) help downstream distro’s and (b) make 
it easy to make things more secure. Imagine being able to disable 3DES with a 
one-line config change (to DEFAULT cipher setting) and a reboot?

Yes, it changes the semantics of an important API. I think the security 
trade-off is very much worth it.  We add new option that lets postfix (still 
waiting for other apps to be named :) opt-out.

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