
thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to preview your next 
publication of the OpenSSL cookbook. Even if your mail was unanswered (until 
know), I’m sure your announcement did not go unnoticed.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your continuous efforts 
during the past years to provide the OpenSSL community with an excellent 
introduction to the OpenSSL command line tool. It has always been available as 
a free download and is a valuable source of information for your user base. And 
it’s excellent news that there is an update coming. Enough reasons IMHO to 
propose you as an “OpenSSL Team member h.c.” if such a role would already exist 
in our bylaws (maybe we should add it 😉).



@openssl/committers: please take the time to take a look at the preprint and 
provide your feedback.

From: openssl-project <openssl-project-boun...@openssl.org> On Behalf Of Ivan 
Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 11:29 AM
To: openssl-project@openssl.org
Subject: OpenSSL Cookbook is being updated soon

Apologies for starting a new thread, but I had no previous message to reply to. 
Matt alerted me to the mention of OpenSSL Cookbook here and I was previously 
not on this list.

I am committed to maintaining OpenSSL Cookbook. In fact, we've just completed 
the 3rd edition. This time I had Matt help me as a technical reviewer and that 
led to many improvements. We're currently updating our web site and will 
release the new edition as soon as that's done.

The 3rd edition required many changes because of TLS 1.3. Now that it's done, 
going forward I will aim for continuous updates as needed.

Additionally, we wish to make the content more useful by splitting it into 
smaller chunks. At the moment, it's presented as one page per chapter, which is 
not ideal. We will look into this at some point after the release.

If you'd like to see the 3rd edition before it's officially out, you can 
actually get it immediately by registering for an account here 
https://www.feistyduck.com/account/register If you already have an account, it 
should be offered to you at the bottom of the library page 
https://www.feistyduck.com/library/ I would certainly welcome any thoughts 
about the content and the possible improvements. The scope is generally 
command-line usage.


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