Marco Russo wrote:
> I need to generate a random polynomial in Zp, with p very large (1024-2048
> bits).
> Sorry for my math...:-(,
> but I think that with your method the problem is that the numbers in [0,
> p-1] are equally likely only if
> (2^(n - 1))mod p = 0, where n is the number of bits in input to BN_rand
> (there are 2^(n-1) numbers of
> n bits, from 10...00 to 11...11).
> Finding  an n such that (2^(n - 1))mod p = 0 is really hard....
> Another way could be to fill an array A of bits.

What??? That's what BN_rand already does!

> for(i = 0; i<numbits(p);i++){
>  if (result of BN_rand is an odd num.)
>     A[i]=1;
>   else
>     A[i]=0;
>  if( number in A > p){

Clearly this can only be true when i == numbits(p)-1.

>       A[j]=0 for each  i<=j<=numbits(p);
>       break;
>    }
> }
> What about this method? I think it's too expansive...

That introduces bias by folding the numbers above p (which there are
less than p of). A right thing to do is to simply choose a new random
number if you exceed p. This introduces no bias. Or choose a random
number with numbits(p)+k in, multiply by p, stretch to 2*numbits(p)+k
and choose the top numbits(p) bits. Which would introduce almost no




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