Hi there,

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Tom Karches wrote:
> Corin Hartland-Swann wrote:
> > I've replaced the 'localhost' certificates with mine, and it now works
> > fine on Windows 2000, and almost works with MacOS.
> >
> > When you hit "Send & Receive Mail" on MacOS it prompts you for a password.
> > I found a reference to this at http://ist.uwaterloo.ca/security/IST-CA/
> >
> >  "IE5/Mac problems: Internet Explorer v5 for the Mac/Apple has several
> >   notable bugs -- it does not import our certificate properly (for reasons
> >   which escape us it wants to save it with a password which means every
> >   time you use it you need to recall that password). You should use
> >   Netscape on the Mac/Apple platform if you access secure pages protected
> >   by our certificate. 16-Feb-2001."
> FWIW, I have been unable to get IE on the Mac or PC to accept
> certificates from a CA other than the ones that are part of the
> default set. Self-signed certificates cause IE on the Mac to generate
> an endless stream of errors.

Do you know which version and build you were using?

> I finally gave up and purchased a certificate from Thawte and
> everything works perfectly now.

It seems to work OK with mine (version 5.0, build 2022) except for the
password bit. It's not too bad because you can set an empty password, and
it seems to only prompt once per session (i.e. until you exit
Outlook/Explorer and then go back in). But I would like to sort it out
because it doesn't make any sense prompting for it when there's no
password set.



| Corin Hartland-Swann   |    Tel: +44 (0) 20 7491 2000        |
| Commerce Internet Ltd  |    Fax: +44 (0) 20 7491 2010        |
| 22 Cavendish Buildings | Mobile: +44 (0) 79 5854 0027        |
| Gilbert Street         |                                     |
| Mayfair                |    Web: http://www.commerce.uk.net/ |
| London W1K 5HJ         | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |

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