Thanks to everyone for pointing me to PEM_X509_INFO_read

However I've noticed a very strange problem.  If I call:

ASN1_d2i_fp(X509_new, d2i_X509, fp, NULL);

before I call PEM_X509_INFO_read(fp, NULL, myPemCallback, NULL), and the 
ASN1_d2i_fp call fails, the PEM_X509_INFO_read call _always_ fails too.  I 
can't explain this at all.  These are on different fp so that's not the 
problem.  It's as though there's some static data or perhaps a spinlock 
blocking the second call.  I haven't tried debugging OpenSSL yet.  It could 
very well be that I'm calling something incorrectly... I don't see it though.

I am calling this from C++ so I have to do lots of casting to get the 
function pointers to be accepted in the first call, but I'm not sure that has 
anything to do with it.


George Staikos

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