I have a question regarding the private key file.  I am working on writing a java program that will extract the public and private key from a keystore file and then overwrite the cert.pem and file.pem from another program that is using OpenSSL.  The cert.pem and file.pem are created use the OpenSSL  APIs to create a certificate key pair, without any encryption to protect the private key. 
I tried getting the binary encoded private key from the keystore and then base 64 encoding it and writing it to the file.pem file in between the "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" and "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", but that does not seem to work.  I compared the files and besides a size difference I noticed that there were line feed characters every 64 bytes in the original "file.pem" file, so I modified the new "file.pem" to have line feeds every 64 bytes, but still no success.  I am having trouble finding information on the formating of the private key file in OpenSSL "file.pem" and would appreciate any help in this area.
Thank you,

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