
Signing a request has no relation with signing requests.
To do so try what follows:

1/ Request Generation:
        openssl req -new -out cert.req

2/ request Signature:
        openssl req -ca -config path/openssl.cnf -in cert.req -out cert.pem

path: path to openssl.cnf configuration file (may be 
Verify that directories and your CA and key files in the openssl.cnf file are 


Haikel MEJRI
Security Enginner
National Digital Certification Agency

On Friday 30 November 2001 01:44, you wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am finding problems while generating a certificate with openssl. When I
> want to generate a signed certificate using this command:
> openssl x509 -req -CA /usr/local/ca/cacert.crt -CAkey
> /usr/local/ca/private/cakey.pem -days 365 -in /tmp/req.pem -out
> /tmp/signed_req.pem -CAcreateserial
> --I get this problem
> 27182:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start
> line:pem_lib.c:662:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
> Please can anybody help me solve this problem
> Thanking you in advance   Hafida
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