>>>>> "Lutz.Jaenicke" == Lutz Jaenicke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Lutz.Jaenicke> I am not familiar with SMTPfeed, but I am quite familiar with
Lutz.Jaenicke> postfix :-) The message above means, that the mail body was sent
Lutz.Jaenicke> out successfully.  According to RFC821, the body is finished
Lutz.Jaenicke> with a "." on a single line.  The receiving host acknowledges
Lutz.Jaenicke> deliveray with a "2xx queued as ..."  answer, than postfix sends
Lutz.Jaenicke> "QUIT". The message above indicates, that the acknowledgement
Lutz.Jaenicke> was not sent, so postfix does not know for sure, whether the
Lutz.Jaenicke> message was received or not. To make sure the message was not
Lutz.Jaenicke> lost, Postfix will send the message again.  Please check out
Lutz.Jaenicke> e.g.  http://www.postfix.org/faq.html#timeouts

The problem/lmtp is with postfix, it appears.

If some system in the Czech Republic has a timeout, why should I get the
repeated deliveries?

The software appears not to be smart enough to differentiate the single failing
recipient from the rest of the successful ones and requeues the whole bunch.

Maybe http://www.postfix.org/faq.html#timeouts has some lame excuse for why
they cannot differentiate good deliveries from bad, but the "learn to live with
it" answer really doesn't cut it.
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