To anyone that can help,

Myself and one of my companies’ associates are in the process of implementing a connection between our systems using web services. Our associates are using Apache with the Raven SSL module and mod_perl. They are trying to connect to our system via a call through SOAP::Lite via HTTPS this required the introduction of Crypt:SSLeay and OpenSSL. The problem is that when apache is running Raven and the web service client, implemented in perl, running under mod perl, tries to make a call via HTTPS it fails and gives an error stating this “child pid 14308 exit signal Segmentation Fault (11).” If we disable raven the web service client connects without error also if we make the call over standard HTTP it connects without error it is just when Apache and the web service client are running SSL simultaneously. I am under the opinion that the two are fighting for a resource lower down the chain, but I do not have the expertise in these particular implementations of SSL software to know what both are precisely doing. I would like to know if anyone has heard of such a conflict and if there is possibly a known remedy for this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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