On Fri, Mar 14, 2003, Brian Hatch wrote:

> (Note: this question is completely unrelated to the previous
> re-keying one, since I've taken out the re-key code for now.)
> I have a socket bio to which I'd like to attach an decrypting
> bio for reading and encrypting bio for writing.  When I attempt
> this I get the following error roughly 22% of the time on the
> first BIO_read:
>       BIO_read(bio, buf, 8)
>       BIO_read returns -1
>       BIO_should_retry is false
>       error:0606506D:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal:
>             wrong final block length:evp_enc.c:423:
> This is using blowfish with a blocksize of 8 chars, there are actually
> at least 24 bytes in the stream, so there's plenty of data for mac
> checks.
> I ran ethereal to watch the data being sent from the client, and it's
> identical, yet 1/5 the time the 'final block length' problem pops up.

BIO_f_cipher() BIOs have a bug in them which makes them mess up when used in
conjunction with non blocking I/O or any circumstance where a read/write might
not process the same number of bytes as requested.

This is largely because BIO_f_cipher() BIOs have been largely unchanged since
the dawn of time [*] and never tested in this way.

I found this out recently when I was messing around with the non blocking I/O
test BIO and the they failed rather badly. Base64 BIOs have similar problems
but digest BIOs seem to be OK AFAICs.

I've checked in a fix for cipher BIOs which should be in any current stable
snapshot, its a trivial fix.

The base64 fix was rather more drastic so its only in 0.9.8 in case it breaks
something else.

I suggest you get the latest stable snapshot and try that out.


[*] Well SSLeay which feels like the dawn of time to some of us.

Dr Stephen N. Henson.
Core developer of the   OpenSSL project: http://www.openssl.org/
Freelance consultant see: http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk/
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