I am designing a secure webserver for use in a small company.  The connection must be secure.

My plan is to use SSL/TLS and 'AuthConfig/htpasswd' to make the connections.  I have reviewed various explanations of how to create my own Certificate Authority and how to create both server and client certs/keys.

The confusion comes from knowing what to do with them after they are created.

SuSE 9.1
Apache 2.0.49
OpenSSL 0.9.7d
TLS 1.5.0

Apache 2 places the certs in various directories in '/etc/apache2' such as 'ssl.crt,' 'ssl.csr' and 'ssl.key'

Here is my plan ...  Will it work?

Questions / Usage
openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 1024 This creates the Certificate Authority key.
Place this in /etc/apache2/ssl.key
Should this have any sort of unique name?
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca.key -out ca.crt This creates the CA certificate.
Place this in /etc/apache2/ssl.crt
Should this follow the same name as above?
openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024
This creates the server key.
Place this in /etc/apache2/ssl.key
Should this follow the FQDN?  server.name.crt?
mv server.key server.key.secure
openssl rsa -in server.key.secure -out server.key
The first command backs up the key.
The second encodes it so it is not requested
after each reboot.
openssl req -new -days 365 -key server.key -out server.csr
This creates the server certificate.
Place this in /etc/apache2/ssl.csr
Should this follow the same name as above?
./sign.sh server.csr
Use Ralf Engelschall's script to 'sign' the certificate.

To create client certificates follow a similar process ...
... if needed
openssl req -new -days 365 -key server.key -out client.csr

openssl pkcs12 -export -in client.csr -inkey server.key \
-certfile server.crt -out client.p12
Convert these to 'p12' format ....
Use a unique client name ...
Import into the client's browser...
Is this even required?
I can see separate client certificates if I were using
IPSec to make VPN connections.

What about creating a CRL?  And, what about trust for my CA?  What about converting my server.csr for use with Windows clients?  Do I insert them into the MMC or merely the browser?

Thanks for your help ....

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