Hi there!!!
I'm trying to use the openssl pkcs12 option from command line but  I don't undestand very well the options.
I have a pair (private key and certificate file) both in PEM format. I want to get a PKCS#12 file which content both. I would like importa that (the PKCS12 file) into MS Outlook or Outlook Express.
My command line looks like:
C:\>openssl pkcs12 -inkey llaveAM02.pem -certfile agente_monitor02.pem /
-CAfile certac.pem -out prueba1.p12 -export
The .p12 file is created but it's empty
Another question.... If I want programming my owns pkcs12 apps with the openssl API ....where can I get examples o hints??
Any help is usefull

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