I've seen the questions and have asked them myself, but I've finally
gotten it to work.  This does NOT use anything fancy in SSL: it performs
the handshake that SSL_connect() gives you, but that's it: no
certificates, etc... so this is the bare minimum (that I'm aware of)
needed to do an HTTPS post.

Some of the extras (e.g. the https server you're talking to, meaningful
header details, a more meaningful message body, etc...) will obviously
need to be filled in by yourself... and if you are using certificates
and so forth, you're own your own adding that stuff: I have no need for
it so haven't even tried... (the O'Reilly book can probably get you from
this snippet the rest of the way, though: I have it and it was little
help for the ultra-basics, but it did cover the extra stuff nicely

This also does no error checking whatsoever: no fluff to interfere with
the bare essentials, but certainly not production quality!

PS: this is Windows specific: the only difference in UNIX would be in
the initial socket connection, which should be pretty straightforward.

So, here it is.
Hope it helps!


#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>

   char buff1[65536];
   char buff2[65536];
   char head[1024];
   char tmpstr[256];

   // regular (Windows) socket stuff...
   int                 sock;
   struct sockaddr_in  sa;
   WSADATA             myWSAData;

   // SSL specific stuff...
   SSL_METHOD  *meth  = NULL;
   SSL_CTX     *ctx   = NULL;
   SSL         *ssl   = NULL;

   // create POST body.
   strcpy(buff1, "This is the body of our post... fill in with something
your server expects.");

   // create POST header...
   strcpy(head, "POST <post-path> HTTP/1.1\r\n"); // replace <post-path>
with something meaningful.
   strcat(head, "User-Agent: <agent>\r\n");       // replace <agent>
with something meaningful.
   strcat(head, "Host: <hostname>\r\n");          // replace <hostname>
with something meaningful.
   strcat(head, "Pragma: no-cache\r\n");
   strcat(head, "Accept: */*\r\n");
   strcat(head, "Content-Type: text/*\r\n");
   strcat(head, "Content-Length: ");
   sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", strlen(buff1));          // body length is
given in the header
   strcat(head, tmpstr);
   strcat(head, "\r\n");
   strcat(head, "Expect: 100-continue\r\n");
   strcat(head, "\r\n");

   // connect socket...
   WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &myWSAData);
   sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
   memset (&sa, '\0', sizeof(sa));
   sa.sin_family      = AF_INET;
   sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(x.x.x.x); // replace with something
   sa.sin_port        = htons(443);         // https port is usually 443
   connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &sa, sizeof(sa));

   // establish SSL
   meth = SSLv3_client_method();
   ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth);
   ssl = SSL_new (ctx);
   SSL_set_fd (ssl, sock);
   SSL_connect (ssl);

   // do the POST...
   SSL_write (ssl, head, strlen(head));      // send post header

   memset(buff2, 0x00, sizeof(buff2));       // init recv buffer
   SSL_read (ssl, buff2, sizeof(buff2) - 1); // read server response
   printf("%s\n", buff2);                    // should say "100
Continue" etc...

   SSL_write (ssl, buff1, strlen(buff1));    // send post body

   memset(buff2, 0x00, sizeof(buff2));       // init recv buffer
   SSL_read (ssl, buff2, sizeof(buff2) - 1); // read server response
   printf("%s\n", buff2);                    // should see "200 OK" and
reponse header

   memset(buff2, 0x00, sizeof(buff2));       // init recv buffer
   SSL_read (ssl, buff2, sizeof(buff2) - 1); // read server response
   printf("%s\n", buff2);                    // should see response body

   // clean up...

   SSL_shutdown (ssl);
   SSL_free (ssl);
   SSL_CTX_free (ctx);

   close (sock);



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