Eleftheria Petraki wrote:
Hi all,
Hello Elefteria,

with the intermediate CA in the SSLCertificateChainFile the openssl s_client -connect ..., returns verify code: 0 (ok). The certificate chain reports two certificates, the server and the intermediate CA certificate with the correct issuers, while just after CONNECTED(0000004) I can see all the certificates in the chain included the root CA.

The certificate verify code in s_client
has is still room for improvement.

So s_client having an verify code 0
doesn't say that the certificate chain is correct and complete...

However I still cannot see the page with IE even though the root CA certificate is correctly imported. Mozilla works only if both root and intermediate certificates are imported.

I remember doing a verify test with an certificate chain
with root and intermediate CA.
And AFAIR Mozilla had no problem with only the root known.

I think for chaining to work,
the CA certificates must be version 3 certificates
with basicConstrains- and keyUsage- extensions set.

Could you send me the certificates ?



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