On Thu, 23 Jun 2005 11:11:18 -0700 (PDT), "Krishna M Singh"
> Hi All
> I was trying to reduce the size of the openSsl library due to memory
> constraints on our platform.
> I tried to remove three patented ciphers idea, rc5 and mdc2. Any ideas
> what more can be done to
> reduce the final size of the library?.

If you're not already using this switch you might give it a try:

    Optimize for size. -Os enables all -O2 optimizations that do not
    typically increase code size. It also performs further optimizations
    designed to reduce code size.

    -Os disables the following optimization flags:

          -falign-functions  -falign-jumps  -falign-loops
          -falign-labels  -freorder-blocks -fprefetch-loop-arrays
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