Title: Timeouts with OpenSSL


I implemented a HTTPS-Client about the following way:
- Creating a SSL-Context with this->ctx=SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method()); and setting the parameters (e.g. certificates, private key, password,...)

- Setting up the connection with this->bio=BIO_new_connect( and BIO_do_connect(this->bio)
- And finally create and get the secure connection (the SSL-Session) with SSL_new, SSL_set_bio, SSL_set_session, SSL_connect and SSL_get0_session

Now I have to control the Client with some timeouts, e.g. a connection-timeout (if the server is not reachable) or during the communication if there is no reaction from the server.

Can someone give me some hints (or some example-code) how I can realize these timeouts?

Thanks a lot,

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