The permissions you need on these files are "444" not "777", but that's not your problem.

I believe that mysql runs as a user other than root. On most systems a seperate "mysql" user account is created and the daemon switches to that account at startup.

The EACCESS error would mean that some directory along the full path does not have the x bit set in a way that is useful for the mysql user. Make sure that every directory from "/" on down to the file has the x bit set in the "other" position.

"ls" with the -ld options will be your friend in this case as you examine each and every directory along the path to the file.

On Oct 15, 2005, at 9:16 AM, Israel Fernández Cabrera wrote:

The .pem files are chmoded to 777 and owned as root.mysql.

I've even used strace triying to find a hidden previous error

condition but nothing new, the open system call fails returning


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