On Mon, Nov 21, 2005, yvind Jelstad wrote:

> I can not sign a request containing latin characters with the msb set. 
> Openssl will escape the characters even i I set -esc_msb in the config file.
> I made a request containing norwegian characters  and tried the 
> following command:
> openssl ca  -spkac test.spkac
> Setting  the option
> name_opt        = ca_default,-esc_msb
> will display the request confirmation properly, but if I  sign the 
> sequest bthe certificate ends up with ecaped characters.
> How can I avoid  escaping in signed certificates?

If you are using UTF8Strings (as the standards now suggest and which
newer versions of OpenSSL are configured to do it wont just include the
characters verbatim: it will convert to UTF8 format first.

What do you mean by "escaped characters"? If you include the -nameopt option
with the 'x509' utility and appropriate values it should display correctly.

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