
I am assuming that you are aware of the need for certificates (need for
public key Cryptography).

Now reg ur query on creating those files to set up a CA, the need for a
CA (in u r client server arch and very simple terms) is to provide all
the clients with some credentials that will provide a level of trust for
the server when a communication channel is to be established and vice
versa if we need client authentication. For this to happen all the
clients must have some credentials (which is the certificate signed by
the CA). This is in general about the need for a CA.

Now the different files u need to create for setting up the CA,

dir                     = /webserver/opt/testca
The dir where u want all the details regarding this ca will be stored...

certificate             = $dir/cacert.pem
Every client or a server can be identified using the certificate
provided by that machine/user. A certificate will contain two parts
public and private keys, as the name implies the public can be provided
to anyone and the private should be kept confidential. Here the CA must
have these keys setup before they could be used as a CA. The file
created here is the ca's public key (public certificate). The pem is the
file format. 

database                = $dir/index.txt
This is for the CA to keep a track of all the entities who has requested
CA for the service and who the CA has provided the service. In here the
CA will contain all the clients that they have certified ( certification
is the process of signing the public key with the CA's private key..
Just to provide a trust to other 3rd party tat CA has validated the
credentials provided by this entity and is trustworthy... )

new_certs_dir           = $dir/certs
This dir will contain the list of public keys that this CA has
certified. In your case this will contain all the public key (public
certificate) of u r clients .. 

private_key             = $dir/private/cakey.pem
This file will contain the private key corresponding to the cacert.pem
file. (this is the ca's private key)

serial                  = $dir/serial
Every certificate which CA sign's must have a serial number for the CA
to validate any details in future.. This file is created with some
values normally 01. which is like the starting number for the serial
numbers. The serial number gets incremented as and when u use this ca to
sign certificate for u r clients. And each clients are identified by the
serial number by the CA.

I could keep explaining on and on ... But I will leave it now and wait
for u to come back with more specific doubts...  Hope this helped.. 

Dinesh Kallath

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: 21 November 2005 15:25
Subject: Certificates


I am trying to add SSL to a propriatory tcp/ip application.  I am
reasonably confident in the programming side but I am utterly confused
with regards to certificates.  The more I read about this the more
confused I get :-(

I hope someone can help me understand how to set things up.

We have a client server application which we wish to secure.  As there
are only a few clients I think we can act as the CA.  I have followed
the examples in the Book "Network Security with OpenSSL" but do not
understand what all the files I have created are for.

I would be grateful for some assistance and hopefully I will soon
understand things enough to ask some more specific questions.

TIA, Mark.
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