
I have been working on building a FIPS version of the Openssl libraries to
link with my Windows application.  I have succeeded in building the FIPS 
version of
the libs and dlls, and have successfully managed to get it to go into FIPS mode.
I have several questions:

1) Regarding the chain of SHA-1 signatures from the distributed source code to
the executable, I could check the downloaded source against the posted 
and I was able to sign my executable (actually a dll which my program loads) 
contains the openssl code and get it to pass the run-time tests, but on the 
middle step
of verifying the built library against the one linked to my app, the build 
did not create .sha1 files for the built libraries.  Is this a hole in the 
Windows FIPS
build process, or did I do something wrong?  I could add a step to the build 
to generate the .sha1 signature files, but then, I would have been technically 
altering the files, which is a FIPS no-no.

2) After entering FIPS mode, there appears to be no way to exit it.  I had 
to have the ability to use the library either in FIPS mode or not, based on 
settings, but this does not appear to be possible.  I assume this is by design, 
and a
separate FIPS build must be used, but I would like to confirm this.

3) Since FIPS mode must be entered programatically, what is the difference 
using the FIPS version of the library w/o entering FIPS mode, and using the 
build?  It appears that all the algorithms are included in the FIPS build, but 
as non-FIPS-capable, and only excluded from use when FIPS mode has been entered.

Any help on these questions would be greatly appreciated.  Additionally, does 
know whether the delay in Openssl's FIPS certification is technical or 
political?  There
seems to be great mystery surrounding the reasons for the holdup.

Jim Adams
Principal Software Developer
Seagull Software Systems, Inc.
Voice: (540) 341-8440 x102, Fax: (540) 428-3473
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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