I have a problem with the function X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID.
To get the last name of the subject of a certificate I use this call:

i = X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(X509_get_subject_name(x), NID_givenName, buf, lenbuf);

usually it works fine but with this certificate (see the attachment) it fails returning the last character of the surname (ò).
The function returns:
i = 6
buf (hex) = 4d 61 72 69 c3 b2
but the buffer 'buf' should contain the given name 'Mariò' (hex: 4d 61 72 69 f2) while I find the string Mariò
(hex: 4d 61 72 69 c3 b2).

Thanks for your help.

Attachment: CertificatoAccento.cer
Description: application/x509-ca-cert

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