Dear Pjothi,

Making an application TLS aware/TLS enabled is not
much trouble once you have access to the source code.
You have to set up the SSL/TLS server with proper
X.509 certificate and corresponding private key,
specify which protocol(in your case TLS v1) you want
to use and then call SSL_accept() at the server side. 

In the client side you would have to call an
SSL_connect() which would take care of the SSL/TLS

After that all you have to do is replace all
send/write with SSL_write() and all read/recv with

There are a few examples for you to get started. For
generating X.509 certificates you can use the openssl
command line tool or get a readymade keypair. 

Here are links that will help you in this endeavor.

I have no idea about DTLS. This website seems to give
some info.

Once you get familiarised with TLS DTLS should not be
much different I guess.

All the best!


--- Pjothi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am a student and am trying to setup a
> demonstration with TLS and DTLS
> support between a SIP client and a Proxy.
> Has anyone some information regarding adding DTLS
> support for a SIP
> client/Proxy or a more generic one using OpenSSL. I
> just need it for
> demonstration purposes and so error handling's if
> any need not be complete.
> Just a simple support and a demonstration of both
> would do fine. If anyone
> has any information regarding this, may be a how to
> start or any
> introductory article would be of great help, kindly
> let me know. This would
> be of great help. Any suggestions regarding the same
> are most welcome.
> kindly let me know and thank you very much.
> regards,
> Pjothi

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